Chrome ore process

Gravity separation is the mainly process for chrome processing ,sometimes the chrome concentrate will be separated by low intensity magnetic separation or high-intensity magnetic separation for a second processing , that`s to improve the grade of the chrome .Several ores can use flotation or flocculation flotation process .

Purpose :
Precious experimental test,costom-made the best process
Majors :
Support:50 beneficiation experts,10 laboratories Devote to mineral processing technology researching for 30 years,the mineral recovery rate increased by 40%-70%.

We can use gravity separation , flotation separation and magnetic separation for chrome ore processing , according to its analysis report and test report , decide finally the proper solution .

The fine grain after crushing will be transport to classifier spiral ,according the different gravity they are separated ,washed , classified in different speed .After jig and shaking table washing , transferred to sluice to separate , then into flotation or magnetic separator , the concentrate after concentration will be dewatering , drying , then obtain the product final .


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